This post is an early release of the 2nd edition of my book noted above. All rights are reserved. It is posted here to provide some useful concepts beyond the theory noted in previous postings.
The potential for vast expansion and acceleration of knowledge growth are proven in part in the 1st edition of this book. For a refresher on those concepts refer first to Appendix A, which is a complete reprint of the 1st edition. In this chapter we define methods of accelerating knowledge in a new planned education format or system. To support this approach we first draw and compare methods and facts available from some existing education methods that serve to accelerate information and education on isolated topics. A survey of those isolated methods follows.
Survey of some existing isolated methods for accelerating knowledge.
Proven existing methods of transferring knowledge at accelerated paces.
1. Seminars for technical topics
2. Conferences containing seminars on general information topics.
3. Short courses covering the all of the key concepts of a technical topic.
4. Conferences for exposing new technical concepts in varied forms and formats.
5. Updating on new concepts by means of technical publications and on-line postings.
7. Flight simulators and land vehicle training stations.
8. Speed reading teaching methods, including flash vision to help one learn to find key words should be considered for the core principle of how it works. As students can sort out words given in a millisecond flash, this author opines key technical concepts can be learned at similar speeds. A quick example exists when thinking of the time that it takes one to react to a dangerous situation. Aviation combat and Marshal arts are married in this level of thinking speed. Do pilots all study marshal arts for improved thinking processes?
Note: A historical note seems warranted about this author’s early life education, considering he dropped out of the study of algebra. He was forced to attend new experimental speed reading classes during many summers. He did not use it in formal school, as those school processes were boring. However, he used it all of the time in his vast self education program. It supported his personal acceleration of knowledge acquisition. Speed reading helped him expand his lower degree into the study of five categories of engineering. Speed reading helped him rapidly expand all research toward his successful doctoral program.
Drawing from those methods, one need ask; What is the core mathematics that is found in all of the quick training courses that can be expanded upon to continually accelerate knowledge acquisition? Without stating a core computation one needs to examine the quick courses. In addition the seminars and conferences offer acceleration. In particular when speed reading is a prerequisite or integrated part of the exposition process. This author offers that the combination of all of the methods and areas of teaching are sufficient and achievable for a single or multiple class teaching need. This is because they (should) provide visual input of geometric forms. For one means of improvement one can exemplify what not to do.
Expanding on the above methods, the national standard for growing global or per capita knowledge by this means must be well advertised, planned for the presentation and stated at the beginning of every event. One should already understand that higher levels, broader content, and larger volume of knowledge given would be achieved.
Note: This next comparison is not meant as a condemnation but rather a focus on old education methods to offer improvements to educators. This outlines the what not to do.
One should still remember the teaching methods in local schools. They are done one class at a time. The bell rings and folks have a few minutes to get to the next class. The next class is usually not taught with direct teaching relationship to the last class. Those education environments and methods should be considered extremely obsolete. A great deal more is known about the human brain processes now than was around 1900 when the current planning was canonized. This change was at the beginning of the public school systems.
The class to class shuffle is historically known to be a distraction, as many students don’t show up for the next class, or other social encounters occur. The distraction devices are many from who would destroy the growth of our students.
One should easily see that a group of students that remain in the same class room and see or work in topics that slide from one to the next, and are integrated in a graphics environment, will gain more and be able to connect the thinking of each topic; When designed for connectivity. In theatre movies even scene changes are extremely fast and connected to avoid losing the attention of the viewer. Indeed movies are successful when they properly intertwine the scenes. Would high school students chose to buy tickets for the old classes unless required by some controlling law? In contrast one can easily sell tickets to students for an action movie. Education on technical topics should be seen as an action movie in what they mean.
To give more action to the previous rough outline, one can find a shocking number of social failures and product failures because people do not learn how to connect the thoughts from one scene to another. To be sure, crimes go unsolved due to this. Products fall apart, space shuttles blow up, and economies crash because folks were never taught to connect groups of concepts from one topic to another. Due to current education planning, most students will never receive associated knowledge that can stop failures. Indeed, the failure to connect in business and securities allows criminals license to fill the gaps for them. We need locks on everything to cover for oversights, disjointed planning, and disjointed education systems.
This author has more than 9 years experience evaluating engineering designs across America, on both military and consumer products. He has seen perhaps billions of dollars (and saved many) of failures created by graduate engineers and managers who do not comprehend what the next issue might be. Of most product designs, deficiencies are regularly present. For example; the product is great but the little handle broke off.
Indeed the trash dumps and auto junk yards are filled with good looking products that have only one important component that failed early. Autos that go to the junk yard early are found to have, from each model, one common design failure that wiped out the value of the rest of the auto. Indeed those represent engineering design failures due mostly to too narrow of vision by the engineers or managers. One can find reports representing trillions of dollars of wealth loss.
Graduate engineers and even registered professional engineers have been found by this author to not compute all of the needed elements for safety or product stability and life. In many instances students were never trained, or use wrong assumptions on how to use product components. In contrast those graduates passed the necessary disjointed tests that were given by their disjointed and incomplete education plan. Indeed all graduate engineers must be trained on location for perhaps five years because their college education was not sufficient to meet the needs of the public. Unfortunately that still does not insure their work is safe as they are usually not taught how to connect technical concepts outside of their specialty.
Public education has driven engineering and management students to focus on one engineering or business category or another, as opposed to multiple topics. Education in multiple topics would allow them to see possible failure points.
Broadened education in more than one category is shown to be warranted with a report from one engineering environment, of an “electo-mechanical” products company that builds electrical connectors. A standard complaint was that mechanical engineers design a product, but wait until the design is finished to finally adapt the plan of “now get the thing wired”. Since most products today include mechanical and advanced electrical/electronic products, this issue is found to be a key cause of failures in most automobiles and other products today.
Root causes of failure
The fundamentally wrong assumptions causing product failure promulgate from a failure to understand how the brain actually works in education planning globally. In other words, in relation to accelerating engineering education, an educational setting that is disjointed leads to failures in products and causes many injuries and deaths.
The truth of education shortfalls is also provable in many reports about how well a seminar or a conference conveyed a teaching. One should always expect good results, but that is often not the case. In contrast one should find many education topics can be added, to broaden the scope to any seminar or conference, provided graphics tools for good presentation are available (as suggested above). This is true also for every mathematics, engineering, strategic planning, business, and operations analysis track.
Ask if people are safe when a product is designed by someone with a disjointed education. For example, one can complete an associate’s degree and move on to a BS degree. But that usually requires a massive shift of focus, and time loss between studying the needed topics. This can track into design failures. Why wouldn’t it? The collage authorities are not cooperating very well or have no legislated legal requirements, or standard given by the US Department of Education.
Many associate degree subjects will not transfer to the BS degree. This has given exponential drop-out rates from a completed engineering degree. Fixing that problem would give an obvious increase in knowledge acceleration rate. In addition to the high dropout rates, students often find no job to matches their degree focus. This author opines the above issues of disjointed education can be traced to a root cause that education planners do not understand the actual brain functions and needs.
One should draw reference for brain functions from Appendix A. But we include some here and consider here the question; What about the core mathematics for an engineering degree or other technical BS degrees? This proves to be an obstacle to success in most technical topics. One finds it is a core reason for no success and high dropout rates. This should be a paradox when the human brain is computational for all thinking. One can opine that many students pursue a business or psychology degree because they believe they cannot “handle” the advanced math. This usually includes basic Algebra.
A key issue of current upper level mathematical education exists when starting with Algebra. This rule is usually that one cannot study trigonometry or geometry registered classes unless one passes a class in Algebra. This barrier has insured the stop of millions of students. In addition, in most US schools, education directors have decided that one need not study Algebra unless pursuing a college degree. This author opines that is something like the autocratic decisions found in the old Soviet Union-that eventually collapsed. The math for their planning was flawed and buried in political, not mathematical reality, shown of the actual human brain functions.
Evidence is clear that the human brain runs the body using vast amounts of advanced calculation means. These include the similitude of multiple complex differential and vector calculations, differential geometry, etc. In addition differential geometry forms and articulation of relativistic computation are required simply for a child to run around a house one morning. Doubting this, one should examine texts on the theoretical operations of Robotic systems.
Journals exist for exploring robotic controls math. They include differential geometry and calculations to simply control one robotic arm. Actual current robot designs using computers and the most advanced software has never rendered a robot with the agile, diverse, complex, and flexible skills of a child. The children win in mathematical brain functions against the educators and the robot builders. The child can do what no robot has achieved in motions as of July 2010. Yet the math for running robots is shown to be complex using vast amounts of sequential computations. They have finally grown to using increasing numbers of sensor systems. In contrast the human is born with multiple millions of sensors. The human brain processes and calculates the data for subsequent motion and added thinking control. Does current education of children match what they do every day?
Accessing the sub conscience to break down barriers of the present
Below we examine specific areas of possible improvements to connect the robot designers of the future to the real world found in the functions of their brains, when they were children. Restated; some have found that inventors often refer to thinking processes with emotions they used when they were very young? This author has experimented with this. We inventors are sometimes known to use a form of emotional transformation from our youth to rethink the new.
This projective thinking process should be thought of as an emotional transformation that promulgates from mathematical transformations as defined in part by the LaPlace, Fourier, and other transformation math. The author opines that all children do this. Certainly we inventors do this.
Psychoanalist and author Carl Jung writes of processes found in the brain of all people of the world. He notes images of art forms found in caves and paintings all over the world, from all historical times, that are extremely similar. He argues that all human brains function in the same way throughout history, and produce those art forms. This author expands here a mathematical connection. This would be that the art forms are first represented to the persons in their dreams. But the art forms do not always exactly match what was given in geometric form in their dream. He found that geometric forms can be themselves elements for transformation when actually drawn in a cave wall or in a person’s note book.
Jung notes that reports of dreams show this continuity phenomenon and gives us a useful concept. He feels that God speaks to us through our dreams. He writes that the reason we don’t usually understand this is because of the busy social environment we live in.
This author opines that Jung shows us that our brain functions are more advanced than our current education processes allow. We need not claim God does it to understand that the processes come from the brain hierarchy. We need to grasp that current education does often squash creative thinking. Reports of attempts at expanding thinking by children are usually in a public school environment that ultimately squashes the final outcome.
More specifically, as witnessed and used by this author, to invent something new while examining the existing, one must mentally (thus mathematically) transform its or the overall geometric and physical properties to create the new. This can be called the algorithm creation process. The previous is a rough outline of some of the inventive process of higher level math.
The “Higher Algebra” of the Human Brain Algorithm
In Appendix A some elements defining the human brain functions are presented. In reference, one can find this author has used his theory from his paper titled “AFSC Dynamic Intellect Model,c1981” which demonstrates the human brain automatically creates algorithms of computation. The mathematical algorithm is a sequence of computer operations for calculations. One can find one crudest form is called “Boolean Algebra”. George Boole created this in his book that was designed to explore thinking processes. The book title is “Treatise on the Laws of Thought”. His work represents high level mental math processes. His book should be earth shattering when actually read. Boole demonstrates that all of life and death follow the logic form he described. The only text recognition given him is his simple basic Boolean Algebra, as opposed to the mathematical mental process he showed. He wrote the book around 1863. One expects, in 1863, the educators would not understand the actual mental mathematical skill found in all humans.
This author offers here an expansion of thinking for the human brain algorithm production. This is his concept that the human brain is functioning at the most advanced level of computations that one might imagine. In addition, one should always recall this rule: It is the human brain hierarchy that drives all writers of new mathematical concepts. Thus one step above their writing is the Hierarchy of their brain processes.
In contrast in the teaching of algebra concepts, most educators start at the bottom, or most crude form. This author argues that this is the reason humans most often fail to quickly grasp the teaching of basic Algebra. The failure is not because of a lack of skill or higher mental capacity. It is because they cannot imagine why algebra is, because it is too far below the dynamic level of the processing brain. To insure this failure, many first page teaching of basic algebra show no geometric forms that the brain is searching for. Or, when they do, as shown, it does not relate to the needs for walking. So the student’s answer is to start with concepts that are more advanced in name to attempt to extrapolate some useful meaning.
Basic Algebra education is extremely sub standard in reference to the
This author has two personal examples of this algebra teaching phenomenon of the heading noted above. Albert Einstine and this author both dropped out of Algebra classes. This author is happy to claim this. He wishes to write disclaimers. But he invites all to read on and find out a possible Einstine/Cutburth connection. The purpose is for demonstrating and extrapolating concepts of how the brain actually functions. More than this simple connection one can find that this author never did finish an algebra class given in a class. Instead he taught himself algebra all the way through differential calculus. He used his skills in speed reading to research and find useful books.
One can check his advanced engineering science degree to find no classes below calculus accept via equivalency tests. Then his degree track goes directly into advanced theoretical math including useful Game Theory. During this author’s early school experiences, he saw many pictures posted all over America and in many books that Einstine is one of the smartest persons in the world. He agrees that is likely true, but that advertisement is not complete, and does not work as intended.
Incidentally, physicists have noted that many of Einstine’s calculations were flawed. To answer that argument, has anyone noticed that all of anyone’s mathematical expressions are in the foreign language that is the Algebraic language format? In spite of Einstine’s mixed Algebra he wrote about advanced ideas, that would be geometric forms when computed. This author suggests those conceptual, and subliminal visions, were really envisioned from his human brain hierarchy.
In contrast, this author would also opine that Einstine’s geometric forms are for all of us to create or imaging at some point in our life, as part of our natural graphic represented thinking, as proven by Carl Jung. Einstine gives us more proof we all poses an advanced hierarchy. He never did claim no one else could do that. This claim would be wrong, since all humans are required to use the hierarchy of our mental processes to learn to run around the house.
Einstine proved his mental mathematical hierarchy activity is true. But the standard of the gulag hammering the combination of crashing students on Algebra, and simultaneously showing anyone who is smarter than most, is a flawed political claim. Thus they teach that all who clamor through the school halls or open a book and see the photo of Einstine may not be like him ever, has contributed to the failures. Ask honest Psychologists if this combination can create feelings of futility .
This author opines that mathematics education is driven by ancient assumptions of what comes first. Specifically, in all rational thinking all other learning is through realization of objects first, as in house negotiating. Thus all people from their earliest learning get geometry and relativity first in the study of relationships in the relativistic connection of objects.
The design to focusing on objects is how the fundamental algorithms of Object Oriented Programming and Genetic Programming have grown rapidly. People comprehend them rapidly and use them fluently because they more represent functions of the natural brain. Indeed one can opine that Einstine’s presentation of his “Special Theory of Relativity” grew out of the hierarch of the brain that functions in more complex geometric ways. Simultaneously ancient art forms show us that all human brains do this.
There are educators that claim that their students are all Einstines”. That should not be an isolated point. Furthermore, they need to find out why: Because, to say it and not prove it causes the claim to be systemically isolated by the controllers of education planning.
This previous synopsis of the natural advanced geometric mathematics processing in the brain that is shown by Einstine, and this author’s writing about algorithm production, has been analyzed for the means to produce patentable products. There is record of this as rational processes of this author’s realization of his theory of inventing. Expanding from his “AFSC Dynamic Intellect Model, c1981” he practiced inventing at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (circa 1983/86). The award of 9 issues patents provide US government proof that it works. Thus it is defined by facts on file that the hierarchy of the brain is demonstrable in all geometric shape creation.
Thus, in advanced geometric realization and creation one includes algorithm development in the realm of Higher Algebra. The Higher Algebra is usually shown to be relationships of more complex mathematical formulations, or specifically abstract geometric forms that are transformed. These require processing concepts in the area of differential geometry or theoretical math. But this would be radiated from the imaginations given from the brain hierarchy.
This author offers this is the area of the inventive process given by the brain hierarchy. Thus his noted mental algorithm production is in the Higher Algebra category of processes. This is because in the encyclopedia definition of Higher Algebra one finds the theoretical math authors have placed that in the category of the creation of Algebras ,An Algebra , and Operator Algebra.
By the above concept definition of brain processes, one has evidence to opine that while the dogmatic classical algebra classes are being used to abuse a student, the students begin their attempts to interpret it using algebra creations in the theoretical math realm of Higher Algebra . Not so? Then answer why the creators and authors who first demonstrated concepts of higher algebra, algebras, ,an algebra, operator algebras, were able to create what they did. All the authors had to use before the abstract creations was the libraries of texts about common algebra. The concepts had to come from creative processes from their brain hierarchy. One would not be likely to pin down the date of actual creation. Consider the Book noted below by George Boole of about 1863.
To advance our achievement; To break barriers and accelerate knowledge growth, we need to seek the methods of the brain hierarchy. For the quickest application of this, one finds that accelerating learning through quick conferences and seminars usually use as much graphics (geometric forms) as possible. Visual education happens extremely fast, just short of the speed of light. The advent of exceptionally advanced screen play and graphics by movie makers demonstrates graphics capabilities available for education without the underlying political propaganda found in movies. Unfortunately a great deal of the Theatre is designed for disinformation in conflict with advancing education. Lots of public education time is wasted on this.
Through understanding and using the true mental process for teaching, one can slide from one class focus area to another as in the scenes of a great movie. If not understood at this point, one can ask; Where does the core concept from the book title apply to restructuring education? Examine further the title. Quantum Operational System Hierarchy. One can transpose the words for development of a Quantum strategic plan that is defined under a hierarchy.
As demonstrated in some possible rules for education changes noted above, the same class that is confronted with algebra can simultaneously learn basics of electrical and mechanical engineering, and others that one can use in their everyday lives. This is specifically acceleration of education. Thus the human brain hierarchy produces the quantum of knowledge relationships and patterns.
This author offers that this quantum concept of knowledge relationships and patters is the reason quantum physics was envisioned and thus created for physics. The fundamental formula represents a collection of elements that when combined produce a broader understanding of processes in physics. Thus the concept of a quantum physics exactly fits the human brain hierarchy that tells us is the correct process for education; one that is connected and demonstrates continuity.
For restructuring education based on specific provable facts on brain functions, one should be drawn to the concept that it is the human brain hierarchy that is the inventor or discoverer of all concepts about its self, and all other witty inventions. One can devote a life of study of philosophy finding that the human brain runs it all, as if it represents a “One Mind”.
1. Teach Algebra with the thought that one is teaching a foreign language. Teach Algebra only with large amounts of geometry and graphics. Certainly foreign language education is learned with the highest quality of understanding while visiting that country. One is ensconced in that geometry and culture. Algebra in terms of immediate graphics thus geometric forms would make the language more biologically systemic.
2. When starting to teach the Algebra language, one can have useful effects by manipulating the simple formulas about Ohm’s law. The combined effect produces cultural understanding of energy. One should find it interesting that most people have not been taught this simple system. Yet it helps them understand energy consumption and application. This provides a framework for combining electrical and mechanical engineering topics.
Teach relativity thinking as part of geometry thinking. What geometric objects are not in relative position with another? None. Relativity thinking helps one relate to the effects of all topics, through lexical connection, with the words “Related to”. Through this medium the other words of Algebra can be expounded upon, and contain from Ohm’s law, the cultural applications content. Understanding electrical aspects of energy certainly gives visible light to daily needs.
3. Teach fundamental engineering concepts while teaching geometry and Algebra. That is not a vast unreachable topic to teach simultaneously with items one and two. As shown in item 2, the simple fraction that is used for transcendental functions provides a basis for associating in engineering statics.
He is regularly involved in research, on the order of advanced Intelligence gathering; Because information is crucial for extended knowledge growth. He also studies his dreams as recommended by Carl Jung. He also uses the method offered by Jung to modify his dreams. He first, and for a time woke and immediately wrote down dreams, as they are usually quickly forgotten. Then he began the quest to ask questions prior to sleep, as recommended by Jung. It works. We can get really abstract answers. They are not often what we expect, but are actually more of a correct answer than expected.
This process has lead to receipt of extremely fast/dynamic dreams of fantastic art forms. There have been times when he was so overloaded that he needed to ask to stop for a while, which they did. At that time he simply received dreams something like complete basic home movies. Those were not from anything in his life. So he asked before sleeping, who makes those dreams? In about a week an answer came to him in a dream, of who makes those dreams. Answer:
The Prop maker.
Of course that would be who creates and makes the movie sets to give ideas to the audience. In this case, the author is the audience. And the dream said the movies are created by The Prop Maker. Then this author made the bold request to meet the prop maker. After about a week and a few requests to meet the prop maker, he was brought in his dream to meet The Prop Maker.
The rest of that story is not important for this work. He has at this time asked to only get basic family related simple movies. That is what happened. This has continued while traveling to visit Lithuania for three months. This time has allowed him the opportunity to write more about these concepts.
One can opine that each person is endowed with their own prop maker for their dreams as they chose or are given to need. Evidence exists that dreams can/should be used as one means to expand and accelerate knowledge growth. When that is not the choice or the effect then not by exploring one’s subliminal thought impacts.
The author opines the dream media is where one finds one direct connection to the hierarchy and creation of advanced mathematical forms. In retrospect for this work, the author was able to use an example from the movie makers and scene makers presented by The Prop Maker encounter to be influenced sufficiently to suggest other ways to improve the acceleration of knowledge growth. Certainly one can improve the graphics and subsequent rapid scene changes. He suggested this above in expanding seminars, conferences and standard classes.
One could/might still ask, does thinking about accelerating knowledge lead to accelerated knowledge?
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