Friday, November 13, 2009


BRAIN SPEED: Note this applies to all humans and all creatures with similar brain cells.

How fast can one person think? How quick can ideas come? What is a nanosecond? The brain can process information and produce a thought in one nanosecond or less. This is about one thousanth of one second. Examples are a sudden realization of possible injury, or the "flash" of an idea, or a measure of possibilities of an event. The specific speed of action of the brain is just under the speed of light.

BRAIN MATH: All ideas and thinking are based on measurements

The issue of measures of the mind are important for these concepts. The brain receives and processes measures of all things and ideas. This is because the brain is actually a mathematical machine at its roots. Specifically; All ideas and thinking are based on measurements.
In higher levels of thinking processes, and in lower lower levels of processes, one compares and contrasts, which is all about measurements. The book "The Computational Brain" provides information on this topic. In writing for advanced papers in university programs one is taught to compare and contrast ideas found in research. What is not taught is that the same process of compare and contrast is used to walk. Advanced management texts attempt to help one organize and establish measures of processes; Because all thinking is based on measures. This is first stated here. But the noted book above also shows how this can be that the brain is a mathematical machine. For this idea one needs to examine what the brain is made of, and how it works.


The brain is actually built as an electro-chemical machine with the results that it is a mathematical machine. The brain is built of cells. There are perhaps trillions in one human
Brain. They all interact through nerve connections. The nerve connections send electronic signals through the nerves. Those signals are compared and passed along through the brain to produce stored information. The storage is accomplished by charging. The charging is something like charging tiny batteries. Except that each brain cell my not do much by its self. But a collection of charges has meaning. Specifically they also describe "dimension" or "measure". So that the charge of three brain cells equals a complex value greater than the three. So the brain builds measures of all ideas and things in this way from the time we are in the womb until we die.


Brains are able to gain and process ideas and thinking at speeds just under the speed of light. Though the facts are here, this does not occur in ways that we individually understand. So there is a great deal of room to accelerate learning once the educational or psychological road blocks are removed. A fundamental problem exists in education when one needs to go through many years of education to then be taught to "compare and contrast" in the way the brain was intended to function in the first place. Since the human brain is mathematical in all of its activity, a paradox does exist that many have difficulty understanding advanced math topics. This should be seen as a direct challenge in how mathematical education is accomplished. All human brains process complex differential computations just to walk. Yet advanced texts teaching one to compare and contrast teach almost nothing new of math at the level needed to walk.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

In my Ph.D. dissertation, and in a simultaneous book I define a theory which became the title of the book "Concept Fusion". I show a triangle of information produces one knowledge element. I project that then a connected triangle of three knowledge elements produces understanding. An intricate structure of knowledge elements are built using a network of trillions of brain cells. As a dynamic roboton the brain collects relationships, which then are defined in bulk by numericy.
Simultaneously hyper knowledge relationship skills would not be explained unless we consider knowledge given
A-Priori as explained by Emanuel Kant in 1781. Furthermore a global continuity and connectivity of a-priori is explained by Carl Jung. I interpret metaphysical concepts are in these latter categories.
I will be building my blog more as I have time. To be sure, fundamental knowledge explotion potential understanding needs to grow.

Thursday, August 27, 2009





To be continued

Thursday, August 6, 2009

OVERVIEW for this knowledge acceleration design

This blog site allows a unique opportunity to distribute/promote advanced knowledge acceleration ideas.This wonderfull blog concept and designed pattern allow a collection of ideas which will be cateloged as postings. One must remember that fundamental points for this site teaching are based on the key word elements,premis, theories that will be found in this OVERVIEW posting or stated as OVERVIEW ADENDEM. Note this author reserves copyright on all writings in this blog. Copyright 2009, Dr. Ronald W. Cutburth

This author, Dr. Ronald W. Cutburth, has clear evidence of key issues about knowledge acquisition. There appear to be intermittent and universal serious failures in education in many areas of study and in many cultural and global locations. It is presented here that there is no fundamental reason for these given the emense capacity of all humans. Restated;
A: All humans have emense knowledge acceleration capacity. Thus to claim a failure demonstrates a failure, but creates a paradox. Worse still, the point and result is sort of oxymoronic. This again represents a paradox, since there should be no oxymoronic thinking given the emense capacity of all human brains.
An understanding of current and historical information about brain functions helps one sort through the issues on what the human brain is supposed to be doing. In addition, an outline and exploration of thinking procedures gives light to the problem and solution objectives.. For exampt:
B. All human brains are mathematically inclined. I expect that most humans are shocked to read this. This is a point of my understanding of the education failures to bring out this understanding among humans. Restated: The human brain is designed to function using high levels of mathematics. Specifically the most advanced mathematical prinicples taught in the most advanced texts are those used by humans most every day of our lives.

To be continued.