Accelerated object formation in the brain is a basis of knowledge growth and inventing. All humans do this. Most have not realized we do. Restated; All humans are naturally inventors; able to produce patentable ideas. Failures to do it are not in the potential skill, but in understanding and manageing those advanced mental processes.
We begin building massive mental files about objects in our brain at birth. Yet we do not usually recognise that recognizing objects is proof that this is a fundamental process of brain functions. Mothers holding their baby see this but often fail to optimize the process. Some actively get involved in early child education as they understand the growth can be accelerated. Attentive mothers watch this process throughout their child's life. Fathers get invovled in the process but are more passive until later years.
Emanual Kant, in 1781 wrote that all objects and thiinking (all knowledge) is based upon measures. He was unaware that the human brain is actually a mathematical machine in how it is structured. This mental measure is described in earlier posts-below. Kant described in detail that "all things and thinking" represent three elements. All three elements work simultaneously in a knowledge growth process. These three things are processed together to form or analyze information. Also, information is the substance that is accumulated to make knowledge and understanding. These three elements are:
1. Quanitity; The largness or weight of an object or how important the thought.
2. Quality: The amount of detail, and what features are in any object or in a thought.
3. Modality: Modality is the relationship to other objects or thinking. Modality is the substance of General Relativity.
Notice that in quantity and quality when there are quality details noticeable in an object or thought it thus posesses other items of information that themselves have quality and quantity as in a chain of information or objects. When an object or thought has developed quality in the brain this represents prior knowledge development stored in the brain.
To walk, we must see, compare and contrast the objects in our surroundings. To think we must recall, compare and contrast inf0rmation with other information. The compare and contrast of objects and thinking is an exercise in relative (relativity) analysis; the modality of the objects or thinking.
We all invent when thinking up a new thought or object from those already in our memory. Those that work at recording those thoughts in writing or sketching are able to optimize the results of this process. Thus the process can be optimized, and increased efforts will accelerate the process. This is why acvanced education levels are acheived in writing. Moreover, writing of reports that include development of charts, grafts and drawings improve the breadth of knowledge growth.
The processes descrived above are considered the most advanced in knowledge growth. But
in fact, this author arugues, the current education practices are relatively slow and narrow compared to the real potential growth of the human brain. The fundamental truth that the human brain operates at just under the speed of light demonstrates there is a large gap in existent acheivements and real potential.
Specifically, the accumulation and analysis of elements that all contain Quality, Quantity and Modality of objects and thinking are not restrained by actual brain speed. All being designed the same demostrates that other bodily phsical impairments, as in size or handicaps cannot change the potential. Thus, the prevention of acceleration of knowledge is a management issue only.
Age is not an issue unless one has passed a long life without attempting to learn really new subjects. Studies have shown the rationale for the challenge that for ones brain power, "If you don't use it, you lose it". One can directly compare mental exercizes to physical exersizes. Reports show that elders who practice cross word puzzle challenges or the card game Bridge are less likely to develop dementia symptoms. This author opines that these facts demonstrate that one can still accelerate knowledge growth at almost any age. Thus, the usefulness of elders in society has been substantially waisted because of social opinions and folklore.
A. Practice examination of the elements of knoweldge and thinking. Think of an object, or a thought. Specifically list what makes it have quality, quantity, and how it relates to other objects (modality). Write down a thought. Next, mentally or through sketches, change the object slighty. Keep changing it until it becomes something else. Now go through the same process mentally without making a sketch of it. Start accelerating the object changing. Now add other objects and change them as related to each other. Practice building this in your mind only, not in drawing. This is how products get developed. This author argues that products are not developed at the real speed potential of humans. This is how some new tools have been developed. yet it takes at least 20 years longer than it should. furthermore, many new products have only small changes leaving many potential changes unacheived. Worse Still, failures to optimize designs often includes errors in the design resulting catestrophic failures. This is true of home appliances all the way to rockets and all automobiles.
B. Practice writing conversion. Write down a thought. Write down similar thoughts. Now change each word to something that is is similar. Keep changing this. Now change each word that has multiple sylables. Change the endings as in grammar-but don't be restricted to grammar practice. This conversion is related to language development. This is something of the basis of Linguistics. This is also the substance of some national intelligence research operations tools.
This author used the processes above in experiment to produce patentable products at Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) (1983-1987). One can find some of the resultant patents listed through a Google search on my name as Ronald cutburth and Dr. Ronald Cutburth. The patent processes were first written about in my "AFSC Dynamic Intellect Model, copyright 1981, Cutburth". The effective results produced at LLNL were noted in my Ph.D. disseration titled "Operations Analysis of Engineering Science: The Mission of Lawrence Livermore National Lab, copyright 1997, Cutburth". The concepts are expolored and expanded upon in my book "Concept Fusion, copyright 1997, Cutburth). The later two items are listed in the National Books-In-Print, and can be found in a Google search on my name.