Thursday, August 6, 2009

OVERVIEW for this knowledge acceleration design

This blog site allows a unique opportunity to distribute/promote advanced knowledge acceleration ideas.This wonderfull blog concept and designed pattern allow a collection of ideas which will be cateloged as postings. One must remember that fundamental points for this site teaching are based on the key word elements,premis, theories that will be found in this OVERVIEW posting or stated as OVERVIEW ADENDEM. Note this author reserves copyright on all writings in this blog. Copyright 2009, Dr. Ronald W. Cutburth

This author, Dr. Ronald W. Cutburth, has clear evidence of key issues about knowledge acquisition. There appear to be intermittent and universal serious failures in education in many areas of study and in many cultural and global locations. It is presented here that there is no fundamental reason for these given the emense capacity of all humans. Restated;
A: All humans have emense knowledge acceleration capacity. Thus to claim a failure demonstrates a failure, but creates a paradox. Worse still, the point and result is sort of oxymoronic. This again represents a paradox, since there should be no oxymoronic thinking given the emense capacity of all human brains.
An understanding of current and historical information about brain functions helps one sort through the issues on what the human brain is supposed to be doing. In addition, an outline and exploration of thinking procedures gives light to the problem and solution objectives.. For exampt:
B. All human brains are mathematically inclined. I expect that most humans are shocked to read this. This is a point of my understanding of the education failures to bring out this understanding among humans. Restated: The human brain is designed to function using high levels of mathematics. Specifically the most advanced mathematical prinicples taught in the most advanced texts are those used by humans most every day of our lives.

To be continued.


  1. EMP FRAUDS OR DUPED PUBLIC: Electromagnetic radiation requires that an atom have both an electric field and a magnetic field. However, nuclear weapons are known for their complete destruction of their nucleus. Unlike atoms of all kinds their nucleus disintegrates. That is the first thing that happens in a nuclear explosion. Thus there is no nucleus. To make Electromagnetic radiation both the nucleus and the electrons work together. Except that when the nuclear weapon blows up its nucleus it destroys any possibility of making electromagnetic radiation. Thus there will be no EMP -ever. Dr. Ronald Cutburth, engineering scientist, intelligence expert.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. EMP facts: The historical nuclear tests of 1958-1962 had also High Elevation nuclear tests. In particular the "Operation Hardtack I". In that series we find the one test most noted title "TEAK" One can find multiple reports about TEAK. They refer to high elevation radio wave blackouts for up to a week. This is thought to be directly from the nuclear explosion but is not. Its actually reported to be from very large amounts of free electrons-freed from the nuclear material and floating in space in large numbers. This is not electromagnetic radiation. Other ionizion and an estimate of other free electrons are from gama and other particle impacts on space air of various types. This high elevation detonation was in the Ionosphere and other high elevation areas which contain gases of various types and already ionized gases. When the gama and other sub nuclear particle strike the nucleus or electrons in space air this created a large amount of various effects. One is ionized air and other is more free electrons, and another is aurora.
    An unfortunate event around the TEAK detonation is there was said to be poor planning with regard to measurements for the atmosphere effects. They simply did not plan for radio wave interference by the blasted free electron clouds. So this was loosely called EMP though it is not. The author of that note also wrote that more tests would be desirable but that politics would block them. Thus the comment of an EMP is our of proportion of what is expected as a result. It is this claim that has been blown into the all out EMP warning for demage to the US electrical grid. There was no known damage to any electrical grid caused by TEAK but upper atmosphere radio frequency blocking-that was its self almost harmless to electrical equipment. Conclude that when our government agencies press the claim of dangerous EMPs and thus call it a threat from some country, its time to arrest the government agency claimant and not go to war.
